Learn to Irish Dance!
Interested in joining our school? Contact us today!
Class Dress Code
ALL dancers are asked to adhere to the following dress code to avoid possibility of injury and to aid in teaching.
- Shorts or Leggings (black or navy)
- T-Shirt or Tank Top
- White Socks (ankle or poodle socks)
- Dance Shoes (soft & hard if necessary)
- Black Jazz Shoes (for boys)
- Hair pulled off of face

2024 / 2025 Schedule
Classes Begin the Week of September 9, 2024
5:45 – 7:00 IRISH 1
7:00 – 8:30 IRISH 4
5:45 – 6:30 BEGINNER (AGES 5-7)
5:00 – 5:45 BEGINNER (AGES 7+)
5:45 – 7:15 IRISH 2
7:00 – 8:30 IRISH 3
5:00 – 5:45 BEGINNER COMPETITION CLASS (this class meets 2x a month)
5:45 – 6:30 INTERMEDIATE COMPETITION CLASS (this class meets 2x a month)
Our Classes
Click on the “+” signs below to learn about each of our classes.
All class levels are based on level, age & experience. Dancers that surpass their class’ skill level, competitively, prior to Jan 1 may be moved up at the instructor’s discretion.
Dancers are introduced to the many skills and techniques of Irish Dancing. Dancers will learn the basic Reel and Light Jig steps and will be introduced to Ceili (group) dancing.
(Must be 5 by September 1st to register)
Est. Costs: (Tuition $645/year) (Costume: $180)
Performance Opportunities: Annual Competition, Local St. Patrick’s Day parade, Annual Recital
Dancers have an understanding of the basics and continue to build upon the softshoe skills and techniques learned in their previous year(s) of dancing. Dancers will learn new ceili routines while reinforcing their Beginner Reel and Light Jig steps.
Est. Costs: (Tuition $645/year) (Costume: $180)
Performance Opportunities: Annual Competition, Local St. Patrick’s Day parade, Annual Recital
Dancers have mastered the skills and steps taught in the Beginner classes. Slip Jigs and more advanced Reel and Light Jig steps are taught as well as basic hardshoe skills and steps. Dancers continue to strengthen their ceili knowledge.
Est. Costs: (Tuition $870) (Costume: $260)
Performance Opportunities: Local Competitions, Local St. Patrick’s Day parade, Annual Recital
Dancers begin to learn higher level softshoe steps. In hardshoe, dancers continue to strengthen their skills and build upon their step knowledge. More complex ceili movements and routines are taught.
Est. Costs: (Tuition $990) (Costume $260)
Performance Opportunities: Competitions, St. Patrick’s Day Parades and Shows, Annual Recital
Dancers continue to learn advanced step work while reinforcing their previously learned softshoe and hardshoe steps and skills. More intensive technique work is implemented and intricate ceili routines are taught.
Est. Costs: (Tuition $990) (Costume $800 Green Dress Class)
Performance Opportunities: Competitions, St. Patrick’s Day Parades and Shows, Annual Recital
Dancers’ skills are at a high level; there is a continued learning of complex steps in both softshoe and hardshoe. Intensive drills are executed to further dancers’ technique and ability. Dancers continue learning more advanced ceili routines.
Est. Costs: (Tuition $990) (Costume $800 Green Dress Class)
Performance Opportunities: Competitions, St. Patrick’s Day Parades and Shows, Annual Recital
Meets 2x a month
For Advanced Beginner and Irish 1 dancers, interested in competing, that have little to no feis experience. In this class dancers learn the ins and outs of competitive Irish Dancing while gaining the much needed confidence and stage presence to perform well at a feis. Dancers in this class must attend at least 3 competitions throughout the year.
This class will only run if 4 or more dancers are registered at the start of the season.
Competition Classes are not for learning new steps; dancers that advance in a step level and need new material or wish to make changes to their current steps must schedule a private lesson with Miss Amelia.
Meets 2x a month
For dancers in Irish 2 Irish 3, and Irish 4 with some feis experience, looking to begin or continue competing regularly. In this class dancers work on boosting their confidence and stage presence, while also working on their own level-appropriate steps in preparation for competitions. Dancers in this class must attend at least 3 competitions during the year.
This class will only run if 4 or more dancers are registered at the start of the season.
Competition Classes are not for learning new steps; dancers that advance in a step level and need new material or wish to make changes to their current steps must schedule a private lesson with Miss Amelia.
For dancers already at an advanced level competitively. In this class dancers work to improve their performance and feis results through mobility and strength training exercises as well as step specific drills. Dancers (with the help of an instructor) will create their own personalized training plan to enhance their step execution and stamina and to ensure that they are feis ready! Dancers in this class must attend at least 3 regular competitions throughout the year (not including our own,) and at least 1 Championship Event.
Competition Classes are not for learning new steps; dancers that advance in a step level and need new material or wish to make changes to their current steps must schedule a private lesson with Miss Amelia.
2024 / 2025 Prices
45 Minutes
Every 3 Months
- Beginner
- Advanced Beginner
60 Minutes
every 3 months
- Advanced Competition Class
75 Minutes
Every 3 Months
- Irish 1
90 Minutes
every 3 months
- Irish 2
- Irish 3
- Irish 4
Bimonthly Classes
Every 3 Months
- Beginner Comp. Class
- Intermediate Comp. Class